Daphne Mintz

UX Engineer

Researcher > Designer > Engineer


My name is Daphne Mintz. I'm a full stack software engineer with a background in product design. Writing code is what I like to do. Every app I build is a journey. My approach can be summed up with, "Learn from your users, design for them, make their day better. The important thing is keep exploring their experience."

Check out the projects I developed as a student in the Software Engineering Immersive program offered by General Assembly. I welcome you to provide feedback in GitHub and to connect with me on LinkedIn.


Playing in the Dark

Playing in the Dark is a work-in-progress project I am building for a community theatre Halloween Festival. The application features prompts for playwrights to choose a topic for the 10-minute play they will submit for production. The technologies supporting the current demo version include React and GitHub. This version will be used to gather user-feedback.

View in GitHub

Surfer Trivia

Surfer Trivia is designed to test your knowledge of surfing history, technology, competition rules, and locales. Design included putting pencil to paper to create initial wireframes, and then, building a prototype with Adobe XD. The app is coded entirely in HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Launch Application

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Let's Cook

Let’s Cook! is for people that love to cook. The application features random recipes that come from around th world via a crowd-sourced API supported by TheMealDB. The technologies used include React (using Hooks), CSS Flexbox, Heroku, third-party APIs, and GitHub.

Launch Application

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GatherUp! provides small towns a community bulletin board to invite neighbors to local events. The front-end web application technologies include React (using Hooks) with Bootstrap. The back-end API uses MongoDB.

Launch Application

GitHub | Front-End

GitHub | Back-End


Meet the Team


NextGig provides a single resource for performers to find upcoming auditions. The technologies used to create the front-end website are React using React Bootstrap and React Router. The back-end API uses Python/Django Rest Framework.

Launch Application

GitHub | Front-End

GitHub | Back-End