As a designer, I value the symbiotic nature of art and technology. My desire is to craft experiences that engage, enlighten, and empower users and audience members.

Check out the projects I developed as a student at Iowa State University where I earned a Master of Science degree in Human-Computer Interaction. I welcome you to provide feedback in GitHub and to connect with me on LinkedIn.

Ideation & Design


Foozaphone is a musical instrument for children ages 6 through 8 years old. In addition to being simply fun and engaging, the instrument hopes to encourage all children in this age group, including those diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), to explore the magic of making music. The technologies supporting the current demo version include React and GitHub. This version will be used to gather user-feedback.



theBridge is a social online application targeting elderly individuals that may have limited access to human interaction outside of the home.



Tele-Story creates rich, shared experiences based on the age-old tradition of reading a storybook to a young child by transforming an e-book into a personalized audiobook.


Capstone Website

Collaborative Research & Design

Lunch Counter Exhibit, Civil Rights Museum


Case Study by Daphne Mintz & Karen Darko exploring the question: Is and immersive experience or non-immersive experience more likely to cause an empathetic reaction in users?

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An Application Design Project by Daphne Mintz & Karen Darko incorporating the findings of the Tele-Story capstone project.


Autonomous Vehicles

Project Team Study to research attitudes and expectations toward self-driving vehicles.

Launch Application
